What are the security measures to make a mobile app secure?


Mobile app security has become a big concern and a mega topic for debate since the evolution of the app business. As smartphones are easily accessible, there is a boom in the development of mobile apps. Mobile phone users are adopting the latest technologies and transforming their lives. For example, they are using apps to book airline tickets, read newspapers, transfer money, and booking hotels. All these apps demand the involvement of money in one form or another that’s why their security is very important. Huawei offers Fast Identity Online standard biometric authentication so if you are still sitting on the fence about whether to adopt biometric authentication or not, you should not delay any further.

Securing your backend

The very first thing after writing code for your mobile app is to secure your backend. It doesn’t matter if you are using a third party server or your own, the API should have powerful security to prevent a breach of data and any kind of unauthorized access. The APIs need to be verified to block any kind of eavesdropping that would be taking place and jeopardize the flow of the sensitive information of the client.

  • The first step in this regard is the creation of encrypted containers for the storage of important data. This specialized process is dubbed as containerization.
  • The second step is to hire a network security specialist to conduct penetration testing to check the durability of the code and to ensure smooth functioning.
  • The third step is to add extra layers such as virtual private networks and transport layer security to encrypt the database.
  • The final step in this phase is to adopt advanced-level security measures such as Federation where the resources are usually spread out across the servers so that they don’t fall in the same place. This ensures that even if a high-level breach happens, the loss is minimum.

Identification & Authentication

Identification and authentication allow the developers to add another layer to the application to enhance and invigorate it.

  • If your app is using a 3rdparty API for full functioning, you ought to proceed with ultimate caution. If you want maximum security for your app, you should ensure that the API can be able to access different parts of the app so that minimum vulnerability can be maintained.
  • OpenID Connect is a type of federation protocol that is specially made for mobile phones. With this system, you can use the same login credentials across different domains that have a token ID. This eliminates the need for registering at all points.

To sum up, mobile app security is bound to grab the attention of business owners as well as users at one point or another. If you pay attention to it after you have been attacked, it is your last choice. But if you do it proactively, you will be able to avoid cyberattacks that would otherwise deprive you of business. While built-in systems are good, Huawei’s biometric authentication system strictly follows the standards, which ensures that you get the security that you are looking for.

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